
For the beginner to the advanced student this class focuses on developing the fundamental principles of drawing and painting. Using a wide variety of subject matter ranging from landscape to stillife, portraiture to figure, students will investigate color-value connections, articulate form and learn to create dynamic compositions.

Whether your medium of choice is oil paint, charcoal, watercolor or pastel, come join our supportive environment and let us help you discover your inner artist.

Tuition $150 for four sessions

Supply list recommendations:

Oil paint

Brand: Utrechct, Blick, Gamblin, Remberant
Colors: Titanium White, Lemon Yellow, Yellow Ochre, Burnt Sienna, Cadmium Red light, Quinacridrome Rose, Ultramarine Blue, Sap Green, Brilliant Green and Payne’s Grey.
Refined Linseed Oil, Gamblin brand
Brushes: Assorted Rounds, Filberts and Flats. Synthetic and bristle. # 2, 4, 6, 8, 10
Palette: Wooden (Sealed) or disposable. Preferably a non white surface.


Brand: General’s Charcoal Drawing Assortment kit is great for beginner’s.
General’s Vine, Willow, and Compressed
Winsor & Newton, Vine, Willow, and Compressed
Faber-Castell Vine, Willow and Compressed


Brand: General’s, Faber-Castel
Paper for pencil: Strathmore, Canson Bristol Board


Brand: Remberant
pastel paper: Fabriano Tiziano, Strathmore, Canson


Brand: Grumbacher, Winsor & Newton, Holbeins, Utrecht
Paper: Arches Cold or Hot press pads
Brushes: Assorted Synthetic Rounds, Filberts, Flats. # 2, 4, 6, 8, 10

Art Supply Stores:

Plaza Artist Supplies in Towson
Blick Artist Supplies in Baltimore